Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders in Infinite Transparency
Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders in Infinite Transparency
The artwork begins when Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders enters the Layered Infinite Transparency space. When it ends, Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders leaves the space.
To the viewer, the other people who overlap with the flutter of butterflies exist in the world of the artwork, and when the viewer is seen by others as overlapping with the flutter of butterflies, they also exist in the space of the artwork.
Multiple viewpoints are placed in the space of the world of the artwork, and the space of the artwork around the viewpoints is cut out and flattened using Ultrasubjective Space. When this flat surface is then placed in the exhibition space in the same position relative to the viewpoints, the world of the artwork is superimposed on the exhibition space. The viewer's viewpoint is not fixed; their viewpoint can move freely not only left and right but also in the depth direction, allowing them to explore a physical perception that immerses their entire body in the world of the artwork as they walk freely in all directions. When the viewer sees other people overlapping with the work through the screen, for them it is equivalent to that person being present not only in the exhibition space but also in the space of the artwork, and the other people become a part of the work.
- Flutter of Butterflies and Cherry Blossoms in Hemp Ornament, 2 sets of 5 screens
- 超越邊界的群蝶,短暫的生命 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Ephemeral Life
- Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Ephemeral Life born in Au-delà des limites
- Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Ephemeral Life Born from People
- 超越邊界的群蝶,交匯創造出生命 ── 64條交彙的光線中的1只蝴蝶 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Intersections Create Life - 1 Butterfly where 64 Light Rays Cross
- Flutter of Butterflies, Born from Hands
- 超越邊界的群蝶, 超越的空間 ── 浮游的網巢 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Transcending Space - Floating Nest
- 在地道深處廢墟裡飛舞的群蝶,超越空間 / Butterflies Dancing in the Depths of the Underground Ruins, Transcending Space
- 超越邊界的群蝶, 超越的空間 ── 靜坐、連續的小宇宙 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Transcending Space - Seated Contemplation, Continuous Small Universe
- 超越邊界的群蝶,超越的空間 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Transcending Space
- 群蝶,短暂的生命
- 超越邊界的群蝶,邊界的另──端誕生的生命 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Life Born on the Other Side
- Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders