Universe of Water Particles on Au-delà des limites
teamLab, 2018, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
Universe of Water Particles on Au-delà des limites
teamLab, 2018, Interactive Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
An enormous waterfall cascades down throughout the space of Au-delà des limites as it transcends the boundaries and sometimes affects other works.
Water is represented by calculating the interactions between a continuous flow of hundreds of thousands of water particles. Then, lines are drawn in relation to the behavior of the water particles. The accumulation of these lines expresses the waterfall.
When people stand on or touch the waterfall, they obstruct the flow of water like a rock, and the flow of water changes. The flow of water continues to transform due to the interaction of people. Previous visual states can never be replicated, and will never reoccur.
The flow of the waterfall influences other artworks.
- Universe of Water Particles on the Grand Palais
- Universe of Water Particles under Satellite’s Gravity – Gold
- Universe of Water Particles under Satellite’s Gravity
- Vortex of Water Particles
- The Waterfall on Audi R8
- The Waterfall on Saga Castle
- Universe of Water Particles
- Universe of Water Particles – Gold
- Universe of Water Particles, Transcending Boundaries
- Universe of Water Particles on the Living Wall
- Universe of Water Particles on Bunkanomori Park
- Universe of Water Particles on a Sacred Rock
- Universe of Water Particles on the Living Wall - Gold
- كون من جزيئات الماء على صخرة يجتمع حولها الناس
- Universe of Water Particles Falling from the Sky
- The Waterfall and People Create Vortices