2024.2.09(Fri) - 常设麻布台Hills, 東京teamLab Museum現在顯示
teamLab Planets TOKYO
2018.7.07(週六) – 2027年末
豐洲, 東京
teamLab Museum
teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi
2025.4.18(Fri) - 常设
Saadiyat Cultural District, Abu Dhabi
teamLab Museum
teamLab Borderless Jeddah
2024.6.10(Mon) - 常设
Culture Square, Jeddah Historic District
teamLab Museum
澳門teamLab超自然空間: teamLab SuperNature Macao
2020.6.15(Mon) - 常设
澳門威尼斯人, 澳門
Permanent Solo Exhibition
teamLab: Field of Wind, Rain and Sun
2024.10.05(Sat) - 常设
Higashiosaka, Osaka
teamLab Open Air Museum
teamLab Botanical Garden Osaka
2022.7.29(Fri) - 常设
長居植物園, 大阪
teamLab Open Air Museum
Traces of Continuous Life
Resonating Universe in the Tabunoki Tree
Field of Wind, Rain and Sun
Spatial Calligraphy of Light and Wind
Ephemeral Crystallized Rain
Enso of the Sun
Antigravity Universe - Ovoids
Persistence of Life in the Sandfall
Bubble Universe: Spherical Crystallized Light, Wobbling Light, and Environmental Light - One Stroke
Microcosmoses: Wobbling Light and Environmental Light
海洋之流動:虛空的宇宙 / The Way of the Sea: Cosmic Void
無窮無盡的水晶宇宙 / The Infinite Crystal Universe
Light Vortex
錦鯉與人共舞所描繪之水面圖──無限 / Drawing on the Water Surface Created by the Dance of Koi and People - Infinity
漂浮的花園──花朵與我同根同源,花園與我合為一體 / Floating Flower Garden: Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One