Digitized Gastronomy
Digitized Gastronomy is the experience of consuming the artwork itself, thus perceiving the art with your body in a physically active state.
The artwork enters people's bodies, becoming one with them, blurring the boundary between the work and the body. This experience changes the perception of boundaries between the self and the world.
This is a project based on practical research and experimentation, that takes into consideration and reinterprets the cultural background of food and expands on it with digital art.
찻잔 속 무한한 우주에 피어나는 꽃들 / Flowers Bloom in an Infinite Universe inside a Teacup
teamLab, 2016-, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
한 잔의 차(茶)를 끓이면 그 안에 꽃들이 피어난다. 그릇을 손에 들면 꽃은 지고, 꽃잎은 그릇 밖으로 퍼져간다. 꽃들은 잔에 차가 들어있는 한 무한히 피어난다. 그릇 안의 차는 꽃들이 계속해서 피어나는 무한의 세계가 된다. 그 무한히 펼쳐지는 세계를 그대로 마신다. 차는 변용(變容)적인 존재인 차의 양에 따라, 피어나는 꽃들의 크기도 변해간다.차가 존재할 때 처음으로 작품이 탄생한다. 차를 전부 마시면 더이상 작품은 존재하지 않는다.차에 피는 꽃은 현실의 시간의 흐름에 따라 변해간다.작품은 영원히 변화한다. 지금 이 순간의 장면은 두 번 다시 볼 수 없다.
더 보기Worlds Unleashed and then Connecting
teamLab, 2015, Interactive Digital Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
When a dish is placed on the table, the world contained within the dish is unleashed, unfolding onto the table and into the surrounding space. The worlds unleashed from each dish connect in the external space creating a new larger world. The worlds unleashed are affected by the other dishes on the table.For example, a bird released from one dish can perch on the branch of a tree unleashed from another. The trees that grow from each dish are not identical; their sizes and shapes are affected by the worlds unleashed by the other dishes on the table. These unleashed worlds are also affected by your behavior. If you stand still, a tiny bird might alight on your hand; if you move suddenly, it might fly away. The worlds unleashed from the dishes on the table influence each other, react to the actions of visitors, and combine to create one single continuous world. The world is constantly changing from momvent to moment and no two moments are alike.What is on the table is observed by artificial intelligence. Therefore, the plates can be arranged on the table however visitors wish.
더 보기teamLab, 2014 Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
We have attempted to create Arita ware of the future, and we hope that you will be able to envision a cafe featuring this Arita ware of the Future.With an unbroken 400 years of history behind it, Arita ware embodies and encompasses a world of beauty envisioned by generation after generation of its creators. We believe that Arita ware's greatest strength is it’s custodianship of that beautiful world that its creators envisioned and brought to life during those 400 years. We capitalized on that strength to create our Arita ware of the future.When our Arita ware is set on the table, the worlds contained within it unfold over the table and into the surrounding space. The worlds released by placing various pieces of Arita ware on the table begin to influence and affect each other, transforming the table and the surrounding space into a new world.Simply by installing some projectors and sensors, any table—and any space—can be transformed into a world of beauty just by setting it with Arita ware of the future.That's right—this is not a tale of the distant future, but a product of today. Arita ware of the future offers 400 years of beauty in every piece.We invite you to enjoy yourself and envision a cafe that would feature this Arita ware of the future.Through placing different combinations of Arita ware on the table, you can transform and create a whole new world.
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