Spatial Calligraphy
Spatial Calligraphy is calligraphy drawn in space. The artwork reconstructs calligraphy in three dimensional space to express the depth, speed and power of the brush stroke, and that calligraphy is then flattened using the logical structure of space that teamLab calls Ultrasubjective Space. The calligraphy shifts between two and three dimensions.
Reversible Rotation - Black in White
teamLab, 2018, Digital Installation, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi
The Spatial Calligraphy in this artwork space rotates in the same direction, but because of the characteristics of Ultrasubjective Space, visually, the clockwise and counterclockwise rotation are logically equivalent. Hence, the work can appear to be rotating in either direction depending on how the viewer chooses to look at it.Spatial Calligraphy is a form of calligraphy drawn in space that teamLab has been exploring since it was founded. The artwork reconstructs calligraphy in three-dimensional space to express the depth, speed, and power of the brush stroke, and that calligraphy is then flattened using the logical structure of space that teamLab calls Ultrasubjective Space. The calligraphy shifts between two and three dimensions.
Voir PlusSpatial Calligraphy: 12 Hanging Scrolls of Light
teamLab, 2008, Digital Installation, LED, 4 min 17 sec (loop), H: 2700 mm, Sound: Sound: Yuji Katsui (Electric Violin)
This installation is a contemporary interpretation of traditional calligraphic writing abstracted in space. Twelve video scrolls show Japanese characters written three-dimensionally and reconstructed in the installation space. In the past, Japanese artists did not interpret space in terms of perspective; they approached depth in their own way, not only in painting but in real life. In the gardens of France’s Palace of Versailles, trees of similar species and height are planted at regular intervals. A continuous sense of depth is created by the way in which identical trees systematically appear smaller as one looks to the horizon. Conversely, at the gardens at the Shugakuin Rikyu Imperial Villa in Japan, the scenery consists of a foreground, middleground, and background, and a sense of depth is achieved by layering. In this work spatial calligraphy characters written on a number of panels or layers are brought together in the exhibition space. This work explores the relation between writing in space and the way writing can create space, collapsing the expectation of calligraphy as static on a page.
Voir PlusteamLab, 2017, Digital Work, Single channel, 18min 30sec (loop)
Enso is the Zen practice of drawing a circle with a single brush stroke. This artwork depicts an Enso drawn as Spatial Calligraphy. The brush stroke is suspended in space but the viewpoint changes to reveal the circle Enso. teamLab has been working on Spatial Calligraphy since the collective formed. A new interpretation of traditional calligraphy, Spatial Calligraphy reconstructs calligraphy in three-dimensional space and expresses the depth, speed and power of the brush stroke.In Zen, Enso is a circle that has since ancient times been written with canes or sticks in midair. It is said to represent enlightenment, truth, the entirety of the universe, and equality. The circle also reflects the hearts and minds of those who view it, with its interpretation left to the individual.
Voir PlusteamLab, 2017, Digital Work, 18min 30sec (loop)
Enso est une pratique Zen qui consiste à dessiner un cercle d’un seul coup de pinceau. L’oeuvre présentée illustre un Enso dessiné sous la forme d'une calligraphie spatiale. Le coup de pinceau est suspendu dans l'espace tandis que le point de vue change pour révéler le cercle Enso. Le collectif teamlab travaille sur la calligraphie spatiale depuis sa formation. Cette dernière, en tant que nouvelle interprétation de la calligraphie traditionnelle, la reconstruit dans un espace tridimensionnel afin d’ exprimer la profondeur, la rapidité et la puissance du coup de pinceau. Depuis les anciennes pratiques Zen, enso est un cercle tracé dans les airs avec des cannes ou des bâtons. On dit qu'il représente l'illumination, la vérité, la complétude de l’univers et l'égalité.Le cercle reflète également le coeur et l'esprit de ceux qui le voient et son interprétation laissée libre à chacun.
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