Publiziert in The Tokushima Economy, (Oct 31, 2016)
田村:私がチームラボのさくひんに興味を持ったのは、東京スカイツリーの1階に描かれた巨大な「墨田川デジタル絵巻」を見てからです。(Excerpt from the text)
A reception system that lets you see the faces of all members of staff
FaceTouch is a reception system that displays photos of your employee's faces on your touch panel display and calls when clients touch the appointed person's photo. Calls are sent through permanent* PC applications or emails to cellphones, notifying the person directly. In the information society, human connections are increasing through the likes of social networks and it can be come difficult to remember everybody’s name. With FaceTouch if you remember a person’s face you can retrieve information about them. This is a new way of communication suitable for a new generation of people using social media.
*Messenger of the original application Unlike typical applications, it can only be used to call members of staff so there is no fear of an information leak.
No hesitation when looking for personnel
Even if you do not know the name or department you can search for a person with whom you have an appointment from their photo only. You can also search for personnel from their name or department.
Intuitive, simple operation
Touch the photographic portrait of the person you want to call. Does not require any difficult operation.
Get to know more about the company
Visitors can get to know a member of staff and what kind of staff are in the company through the profile that is also displayed with the photographs.