تم النشر في Shibuya Keizai Shimbun , Dec 6, 2011
渋谷・宇田川町に12月6日、「電脳喫茶☆電脳酒場『めいどりーみん』(渋谷店)」(渋谷区宇田川町、TEL 03-6427-8398)がオープンする。経営はネオディラントインターナショナル(千代田区)。(Excerpt from the text)
Digitized Block Light
This light is a floating ceiling light and interface at same time. It changes color and makes sounds like; "Boko!” (a mimetic word that describes the act of punching a block) when visitors jump and punch it. The blocks are also connected with other block lights and displays which are embedded inside the wall.
Digitized Display (digital signage inside the wall)
The little maids change with sounds when a visitor punches a Block light. For example, little maids become invincible and run around when high tension music starts after somebody has punched a Block light, or they dance when live music starts.
Digitized Trampoline
The cafe Maids can jump on the digitized trampoline. When they do the action is accompanied by the sound, "Poyooon!” (a mimetic word to describe the action of jumping) . The Little maids in the displays also jump together with the cafe Maids.
Digitized Stage
A leaf shaped stage for live events that the maids sing and dance on. Little maids in the wall displays dance when a live event starts.
Digitized Wall
The wall is a graphic made of over 300 thousand emoticons of the latest imitative words which Maids use in the cafe and everyday life.
انتهاء العرض
8.12(Sun) - 2012.5.26(Sat)
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
انتهاء العرض
2020.5.31(Sun) - 2012.1.21(Sat)
Maidreamin Namba, Osaka
انتهاء العرض
2020.5.31(Sun) - 2011.12.06(Tue)
Maidreamin Shibuya, Tokyo
تم النشر في Shibuya Keizai Shimbun , Dec 6, 2011
渋谷・宇田川町に12月6日、「電脳喫茶☆電脳酒場『めいどりーみん』(渋谷店)」(渋谷区宇田川町、TEL 03-6427-8398)がオープンする。経営はネオディラントインターナショナル(千代田区)。(Excerpt from the text)
تم النشر في TV Bros. , Feb 29, 2012
تم النشر في Numero TOKYO , Apr, 2012