تم النشر في NIKKEI DESIGN , Mar 24, 2017
チームラボは2017年1月25日から3月11日まで英ロンドンのPace Gallery(ペース・ギャラリー)で展示会「teamLab: Transcending Boundaries(境界を超越する)」を開催。(Excerpt from the text)
انتهاء العرض
9.01(Sun) - 2019.8.30(Fri)
Jakarta Convention Center Hall A (Booth C8), Jakarta
انتهاء العرض
2019.1.13(Sun) - 2018.11.15(Thu)
Pace Palo Alto, Palo Alto, California
Solo Exhibition
انتهاء العرض
3.11(Sat) - 2017.1.25(Wed)
Solo Exhibition
تم النشر في NIKKEI DESIGN , Mar 24, 2017
チームラボは2017年1月25日から3月11日まで英ロンドンのPace Gallery(ペース・ギャラリー)で展示会「teamLab: Transcending Boundaries(境界を超越する)」を開催。(Excerpt from the text)
تم النشر في KENSINGTON NOMAD , Mar 10, 2017
One of the best immersive installations I have been to is featured at the Pace Gallery at 6 Burlington Gardens. Tickets for the Teamlab experience have completely sold out but if you head to their website you may just be able to snag a ticket if there are cancellations or put your name down on the waiting list, trust me, it will be worth your while!(本文抜粋)
تم النشر في Gilt Magazine , Mar 9, 2017
Se nutrite una passione per l’arte e per tutto ciò che riguarda la ricerca dell’Io più profondo, non potrete mancare a questa mostra sita a Burlington Gardens a Londra. (本文抜粋)